UK CH Wanawallari Of Geufron
  • Sire: Omar Of Geufron
  • Date of Birth: 1934-6-28
  • Colour: Cream
  • Country: United Kingdom
Breeders Owners
  • Notes: 1st owner Dr Betsy Porter
    litter of 9 puppies, 6 golds with black masks and ear fringing and 3 brindles Abu Havid, was pick of litter closely followed by Mitzou, only 3 pups survived the German occupation - pup photos taken at 5 months
Image of Wanawallari Of Geufron
  • Created: 2020-03-12 15:21:42
Health Information
  • KC Stud Book Number: KCSB 720RR
  • Title Year: 1937
Pedigree Analysis Additional Information