UK INT NORD B S DK CH Bletchingley Houndsman
  • Sire: Bletchingley Hillsman
  • Dam: Bletchingley Shirin
  • Registration #: S10850/61
  • Date of Birth: 1957-5-12
  • Date of Death: 1967--
  • Call Name: Abu
  • Colour: Cream
  • Pattern: Black mask
  • Country: United Kingdom
Breeders Owners
Image of Bletchingley Houndsman
  • © Copyright: WAHC Archives - 08-2024
  • Posted By: Lesley Busby
  • Created: 2024-08-22 11:51:52
Health Information
  • KC Stud Book Number: KCSB 641AS
Pedigree Analysis Additional Information