AUST CH Kazah Asshra
  • Sire: Viper Of Davlen
  • Dam: El Tazzi Alimah
  • Registration #: AKC HB016426
  • Date of Birth: 1959-7-9
  • Colour: Gold
  • Variations: Black points
  • Country (birth): New Zealand
  • Country (current): United States
Breeders Owners
  • Notes: 3 litters for Amarsan Kennels & 2 For Shahzada in Australia.
    US import from Australia Tallaway Kennel
    Litter sire by CH Akaba's Top Brass - 6 males, 1 female, Brindle, b/m red & black & tan born 04/22/1968
Image of Kazah Asshra
  • © Copyright: Source unknown
  • Posted By: Patricia Egan
  • Created: 2024-09-16 05:07:26
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