INT NORD AM CH Tanjores Domino
  • Sire: Xenos van de Oranje Manege
  • Dam: Tanjores Senorita
  • Registration #: S09014/54 / AKC H863037
  • Date of Birth: 1954-7-10
  • Colour: Blue
  • Pattern: Domino
  • Variations: SB Grey blue
  • Country (birth): Sweden
  • Country (current): United States
Breeders Owners
  • Notes: No color or makings shown on AKC
    Previously owned by Karin von Rutkowski (SWE - Benares)
Image of Tanjores Domino
  • © Copyright: AHR November-December 1992
  • Posted By: Nicole Machado
  • Created: 2024-06-27 15:52:41
Health Information
Pedigree Analysis Additional Information
  • AKC: Checked