UK INT CH Taj Akbar Of Chaman
  • Sire: Kulli Khan Of Kuranda
  • Dam: Safiya
  • Date of Birth: 1936-4-24
  • Colour: Red
  • Pattern: Black mask
  • Country (birth): United Kingdom
  • Country (current): Netherlands
Breeders Owners
  • Notes: Molly Sharpe's 1st homebred litter and 1st CH
Image of Taj Akbar Of Chaman
  • © Copyright: Source: WAHC
  • Posted By: Patricia Egan
  • Created: 2024-09-15 21:03:58
Health Information
  • KC Stud Book Number: KCSB 778TT
  • Title Year: 1938
Pedigree Analysis Additional Information